
Died in a Blogging Accident has lived up to its name and died... in a blogging accident. That is to say it has concluded. You can still re-live the magic by clicking here to start at chapter 1. For genuine criticism of XKCD, please click the top link to the right (XKCD Isn't Funny).

Saturday, August 27, 2011

xkcd Sucks Less, Week 2

Hello everyone, and welcome to the second installment of "xkcd Sucks Less." Unfortunately, Randall did a decent enough job on Monday that no simple correction could improve it, so there are only two edits this week. More unfortunately still is the fact that no one took the initiative to alter comics on their own, so you're left with my dubious improvements. Seems we're off to a rocky start, but oh well.

Comic 942: Juggling


This comic is stupid and has no point and no joke. Enough said.

"Sucks Less" Version:

This version isn't funny, but at least it makes sense. A jedi force-grabs a book about juggling, thinks "I can do better," and does so. Is it funny? Nope. Is it smart? Not one bit. Is it nerd pandering? Sadly, a little. And yet, it's still better than Randall's version.

Comic 943: Empirical


I kind of liked this one, but it really rubbed me the wrong way that the girl is proposing to the guy. As I said in my review, that just doesn't happen. It would be like Randall wearing a dress to promote gender equality. It's just not right.

"Sucks Less" Version:

A few cuts and pastes and the issue is fixed.

So, Week 2 comes and goes not with a bang, but a sputter. If you want to see this do better, try your hand at some corrections! I'm only one man, but I know there's a whole xkcd-hating community out there. Let's help this thing take off!


  1. Your 942 actually sucks more. This joke needs to be presented in a more effective fashion, not turned into a Star Wars reference. He's trying for pure comedy and falling a little short of the goal, you're trying for nerd masturbation and I don't know how successful you are but don't really want to find out.

  2. To be fair, it was a spur of the moment decision based on the premise of the balls floating in the air. All I did was give them a reason to be like that.

    What the heck else can you do with that? If I call him Magneto or something, it's still a nerd reference. There's not much else you can do without making drastic changes to the strip, which is the opposite of what this feature is intended to be.

  3. Here's one for 942. Not the best work ever, but there's not much you can do with the original.

  4. That IS better. Unfortunately, this week has come and gone, and the time for improvements to strips 141-143 has passed. Onward to this week!

  5. I ask again - what is wrong with a woman proposing to a man? Does it threaten your masculinity to think that possibly a woman might decide that she'd like to be married to a man and will ask him to marry her? I've done exactly that - I proposed to my first husband.

    Generally I appreciate the criticisms levelled at xkcd because I've also long ago found that it amused me less and less and annoyed me more and more. But this sort of misogynistic twaddle is neither accurate nor appealing.

  6. Thank you Heather, for pointing that out. I can't believe everyone else here actually agrees with him. 'It's just not right', is it? Weirdos.

  7. I totally agree with him; women very seldomly propose to men. Most women do not WANT to propose to men.

    The whole I'm-a-feminist-so-I'm-going-to-make-you-be-a-feminist-too thing is not "empowerment." What's really sad is when they get guys' balls in a vice and then these guys have to go around with the I'm-a-guy-but-I-so-totally-support-the-feminists-yes-I-do attitude, which is pathetic (e.g., Randall).

  8. I ask again - what is wrong with a woman proposing to a man?

    There's nothing wrong with it. If my girlfriend proposed to me, I wouldn't say, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT." It's just so far outside of the traditional norm that depicting a reversed proposal is markedly out-of-place.

    Like I said in the review, it's similar to Randall drawing a guy in a dress just for the sake of fighting traditional gender roles. Is there anything wrong with it? Not...REALLY. It's just weird and out-of-place.

  9. I disagree. It really isn't that weird. I know couples where the woman proposed, and couples where the man proposed, and couples where there wasn't a proposal per se but more of a mutual agreement. And couples that just aren't going to formally marry. I think it's weird that you think it's weird. It's a sentiment that seems dated to me.

  10. I didn't think it was at all significant who was proposing to who in the marriage one. Seemed like you were reaching a bit there :/
