
Died in a Blogging Accident has lived up to its name and died... in a blogging accident. That is to say it has concluded. You can still re-live the magic by clicking here to start at chapter 1. For genuine criticism of XKCD, please click the top link to the right (XKCD Isn't Funny).

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Comic 1336: The Worst Thing to Happen to Transformers since Michael Bay

Title: Transformers

Alt text: A helicopter bursts from a chrysalis and alights on a rock, rotors still damp.

Okay, so maybe the title of this review was a little sensationalist, and I can't think of anything to say about this comic, except that it is bad, and that Mr Munroe should feel bad. But I will, for all your sakes. I promise the next review will be posted in a timelier fashion than this one, but I really wanted my amateur art critique to stay at the top of the page a little while longer.

I give this comic a B+ for standalone value. Anyone who has remotely heard of Transformers will understand it. But that doesn't feel like a plus in this case. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, it's almost too easy a joke, aimed at too low a common denominator.

I suppose it is trying to tap into the sense of wonder that someone might feel about the life cycles of butterflies and other metamorphosing organisms. I would give it credit for that, except I for one do not share in that sense of wonder, for I can only see the caterpillar's fabled journey to maturity as the hallmark of a race that exists solely to breed then die, and that is disgusting. 

Therefore I give this comic an F for humour, and an F- for trying to make nature look charming, in all the wrong ways.

Aside from that, the art is passable. C+ for artwork. Someone in the forum thread actually suggested it was a shift in Munroe's art style that conceived this comic. No, dipshit. This only looks different because the most complex thing he draws the rest of the time is a computer keyboard. Grasp harder, idiot. F--- for having the stupidest fans.

This is the first review that I have written while drunk. I have eaten three four custard creams while writing it. If it works, then I might try it again.


  1. Now hurry! Post a comic number in the comment thread before my body finishes metabolising the alcohol.

  2. Levi you cunt please review this book which has apparently become #2 bestseller on Amazon despite not having been released. If that's not evidence that Randall is cult of personality over substance then Goebbels was a misunderstood hippy.

    1. Oh and please incorporate the observation that he shares his place in the Top 6 with two Rush Limbaughs.

      That's America, folks.

    2. now its number 1.... D:

  3. Did you write this review when you were at my house?

    1. If you find a bottle of my booze in your kitchen, then yes. Also, give it back.

    2. You mean your Barley Summerfruits squash?

  4. Now that I've sobered up, allow me to add to that review: F---*** for making a joke out of something by missing the point and taking it literally

  5. "Rotors still damp" sounds like something out of a Transformers porn fic,
